The Hermitage appellation

Northern Rhône Valley


This vineyard has the particularity of being on the left bank of the Rhône (the other northern vineyards being concentrated on the right bank). Although small, it offers a wealth of terroirs, ranging from granite arena to sandy and stony soils. The south-facing slopes of the Hermitage vineyards are more sheltered from the Mistral (a strong north wind) and produce great red wines that age well.


Grape varieties

The wines are mainly made from Syrah (minimum 85%).
Marsanne and Roussanne are used to make white Hermitages.
The grapes are harvested by hand.

Wine style

The red wines are powerful and tannic, but retain an exquisite finesse on the palate. Their rich aromas (ripe fruit, spices, undergrowth) will express all their complexity with age. 
The white wines are original and well-balanced, full-bodied and fragrant. With no acidity and a lovely golden colour, they also age very well.