This site "" is the property of PR DEVELOPPEMENT.
The publication director of the site is Mr. Pierre ROUGON: 1088 avenue Dwight Eisenhower - 84200 Carpentras - Tel: 04 90 12 11 11 –


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ABSYS Informatique

385 avenue René Coty - 84300 Cavaillon
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Intellectual property rights

The general design, as well as the texts, images and all other elements making up the site are the exclusive property of PR DEVELOPPEMENT.
This entire site is subject to French legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
The reproduction of all or part of this site (other than technically necessary for its consultation) on any electronic medium whatsoever is expressly prohibited.

The reproduction of an element of this site on paper is authorized, subject to compliance with the following two conditions:
- respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced: no modification or alteration of any kind,
- clear and legible citation of the source in the following form - for example -: "this document comes from the site Reproduction rights reserved and strictly limited".
The internet address of the site "" must always appear in the reference.

The use of the content of the site in contravention of these requirements constitutes an infringement within the meaning of article 335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
In addition to damages for civil liability, this can be punished with a fine of 300,000 euros and/or 3 years of imprisonment.

Privacy Policy

Personal data collected

We collect personal data about you in two ways:

  • By recording and submitting information you choose to enter on certain pages of the Website. This personal data collected directly from you includes your first and last name, email address, telephone number, company, message or other personal information or contact details that you provide to us.
  • Through cookies. For more information on cookies, see "Use of cookies" below.

Use of personal data

Your personal data will only be used, on the basis of your specific consent or a legal obligation, to respond to your direct request.

Access, modification, rectification and deletion of personal data

In accordance with French legislation and the "Informatique et Libertés" law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data that concerns you. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us via the site's contact form.

Person responsible for data protection

We have designated a data protection person whose contact details follow: You can contact him for any questions relating to the processing of your personal data, and the exercise of your rights under applicable national and European data protection legislation.

Use of cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or other device by websites you visit. They are widely used to make websites work or operate them more efficiently, as well as to provide information to website owners.

When you visit our website for the first time, the homepage displays information about privacy and the respective wording regarding consent to the use of cookies via a "cookie banner". If you continue to actively use the website and do not actively object to the use of cookies, you agree to our use of cookies and this consent will be stored in your browser, so the information does not have to be repeated on each website page. If consent is missing in your browser (for example if you have deleted your cookies), the "cookie banner" containing privacy information will appear again the next time you visit the website. We may install and use certain technically required cookies which therefore do not require your prior consent. We may also use session cookies which are automatically deleted at the end of your session and do not require your prior consent. Other cookies (such as cookies to improve the browsing experience by retaining certain data - avoiding you to re-enter such data each time you connect - and by adapting the content of the site to your preferences) may be installed and used on the basis of your consent.

How to prevent the installation of cookies

You can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser accordingly. Indeed, the majority of web browsers allow some control over most cookies through their settings. To find out more about how to prevent the installation of cookies, visit the following site:

However, in such a case, certain functions of the website may not work correctly and certain features of the site may no longer be accessible to you.

How to delete/disable cookies

So that you can delete or disable all cookies installed on your computer, the majority of web browsers allow you to disable the use of cookies completely, or delete those that have been set by specific domains or websites. To find out how to do this, please consult your browser's help page: